Health, Sleep, Revive, Immunity

Best Natural Remedies for Seasonal Sickness

Have you ever wondered why you’re more likely to get sick when the seasons change?

You might think that Winter is the season of sickness, but all seasons present their own challenges to your health and wellbeing.

It might come as a surprise to learn that Autumn and Spring — not Winter — are the peak seasons for the common cold.

So regardless of which season you’re moving into, it’s important to prepare your body and immune system for change.

Why do I get sick when the seasons change?

There are many reasons why you’re more susceptible to illness when the seasons change.

Temperature change is the most obvious one. The virus that causes the common cold thrives during cooler weather and studies suggest the same is true for influenza (flu) and covid-19.

Changes in atmospheric pressure and seasonal allergies can also irritate and inflame your nasal passage, which makes it easier for viruses to set up shop.

Another factor is that social behaviour often changes with the seasons. In Winter, you’re more likely to spend time indoors in close contact with others, which increases the chance of viruses spreading.

Whereas, in Autumn and Spring, you’re more likely to head outdoors where you’re exposed to seasonal pollen and mould spores that cause allergies.

Changes to your sleep rhythm with daylight saving, less exposure to sunlight, and seasonal hormone and energy fluctuations can all make you more susceptible to sickness.

What are the most common seasonal illnesses?

The illnesses you’re most likely to get during a seasonal change are:

  • Common cold
  • Flu (influenza)
  • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
  • Covid-19
  • AllergiesAsthma

How to reduce the risk of seasonal sickness

Unless you’re travelling around the world chasing an endless summer, seasonal change is a fact of life.

But you can take steps to support your immune system as you adjust to the unique challenges of each season.

Here are five natural ways to reduce your risk of getting sick when the seasons change, or to increase your chances of having mild symptoms.

1. Listen to your body

As we move into a new season, you may notice your mind and body start synching with the rhythms of nature

At the beginning of Autumn, you may feel a tendency to slow down, relax, sleep in on the weekend, or let go of some of your responsibilities — similar to the way the trees are letting go of their leaves and preparing for a period of hibernation.

In Spring, it could be the opposite. You may feel a rush of new energy, a desire to get up early, exercise more, and start new projects.

Your body will make subtle requests for what it needs and, if you listen to them, it will help support your overall wellbeing.

If you ignore these requests, you’re more likely to get tired, burned out, and unwell.

Humans aren’t made to go “pedal to the metal” all year round. Just like nature, we have to learn to flow with the cycle of the seasons, too.

2. Support your immune system

It’s a good idea to take extra steps to support your immune system during a seasonal transition as it’s probably going to be working overtime.

Keep an eye on your nutrition, sleep, exercise, and stress levels, and consider having some lemon, honey, ginger and turmeric on hand.

The health of your immune system is only as good as your overall health and while there are no shortcuts, small changes can make a significant difference.

At NZ Natural Formulas, we have natural, homoeopathic remedies that support your body and mind to be more resilient to the stressors of modern life.

Our Revive™ product is designed to increase energy and support your body’s natural healing capacity.

While it doesn’t “boost your immune system” specifically, it may take the pressure off your immune system during these seasonal shifts when it’s having to work harder.

Get Revive™ here

3. Eat seasonally

Humans evolved eating what was available day-to-day. It’s only thanks to the modern magic of refrigerators and transportation that we’re able to have every food we can dream of all year round.

While this is highly convenient, there are health benefits to eating with the seasons.

Firstly, seasonal fruits and vegetables will always be more fresh and nutritious, especially when sourced locally.

Also, I like to think nature had our best interests in mind when it was figuring out the fruit and vegetable seasonal calendar.

What if the range of nutrients available in Autumn, such as beetroot, carrots, garlic, pumpkin, and apples, are exactly what your body needs to thrive during that season.

4. Prioritise sleep

Good quality sleep is one of your best defences against seasonal sickness.

Every night during sleep, your body replenishes its immune cells which help you fight infection.

Studies have shown that people who regularly get less than seven hours of sleep a night are three times more likely to get the common cold than those who typically get eight hours or more of sleep.

During a seasonal change, you may find your sleep gets disturbed. The clock may get put forward or back an hour for daylight saving, which changes your sleep rhythm, or your sleep may be affected by changes in temperature.

While it’s true that we’re always having to adapt our sleep patterns to the rhythms of nature, it’s a good idea to be extra vigilant during the transitions between seasons.

Our Sleep spray is a natural, homoeopathic remedy that can help you have a restorative, restful sleep.

It helps to quiet a busy mind, down-regulate from nervous system overstimulation, overcome insomnia, and manage seasonal sleep disruption.

Get Sleep here

5. Exercise body and mind

Studies have found the immune system is very responsive to physical exercise.

Moderate-intensity exercise has been shown to stimulate the circulation of immune cells, which makes you more resistant to infection.

However, exercising your mind through practices like meditation and mindful breathing has also been found to support immune function.

Both physical exercise and mindfulness practices help to reduce stress and inflammation, which takes some load off your immune system.

Go with the seasonal flow

The Greek philosopher Hereclitus said, “The only constant in life is change.”

While seasonal changes bring their challenges, they’re also to be embraced and enjoyed.

Each season has its beauty and benefits. Even seasonal sickness has its benefits as it can teach your immune system to fight off the same virus in the future.

You can take practical steps to prepare your body for seasonal change and support your immune system to fight seasonal sickness.

But it’s equally important to embrace change and learn to go with the seasonal flow.

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